Haritha Pharmaceuticals conceived to revive Ayurvedic Medicine



Haritha built upon a concept to “Revive Ayurveda” and make it reachable to everyone who loves to follow natural methods of life and healing. Ayurveda the science of life and longevity has been the light of Indian life over a period of time before modern science is born. Haritha Pharmaceuticals visualize an era when every ayurveda streams are renovated, refreshed and explored to give wellness for the whole. Haritha pharmaceuticals Stands For

Revive Ayurveda: Revive the traditional stream of life, to educate the generation about importance and virtues of Ayuveda to be harmonious with Nature.

Supports Natural Life: Taking your hands leading to a nature friendly life with Haritha Pharmaceuticals.

Classic Medicines: Production of all classical methods referring ancient scripts without compromising quality is our primary activity.

Patent Medicines: Haritha pharmaceuticals agrees and promotes significance of patented medicines, for we have developed patent medicines for treating number of diseases including psoriasis and diabetics.

Research and development: Our efforts aiming to future operations are leaded with our expert Research and Development department. We are obliged to work for future not only for today.

Standardization: Manufacturing authentic medicine keeping good standards helps to retain wellness and longevity.

Timely updates: Haritha Pharmaceuticals never neglect the time we rely upon timely updates to support our patients and customers.

Ayurveda is a whole system which integrating mind, body and the spirit. Though time has changed tradition of ayurveda cures a number of ailments where modern medical science fails.

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